How To Stop Feeling Lost And Stuck In Life

I hear it time and time again. People feel like they’re stuck in life or can’t get out of the rut they’re in. You start the day motivated and ready to dive into your to-do list and inevitably you get derailed, either through procrastination, over analyzing, or overestimating what you can accomplish. You end the day feeling defeated and beating yourself up for your inability to accomplish your tasks. This mentality can take a huge toll on someone's mental health and their ability to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Are you someone who feels like you’re living the same day over again? Maybe you feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of spinning your wheels, making the same mistakes and you’re afraid you’ll never be able to break free? You may be dealing with symptoms of high functioning anxiety (HFA) which likely is feeding into your “stuck” feelings. 

People with HFA struggle with having unrealistic expectations of themselves, over-estimating how much they can get done, and getting stuck in perfectionism which leads to over-analyzing and procrastination. They’re great overachievers and appear like they’ve got it all figured out on the outside, but on the inside, they feel like they’re failing constantly and not getting anywhere in life. 

If you struggle with HFA, you don’t have to feel stuck forever. As an anxiety coach, I work with clients that feel like they’re stuck, to help them identify the positive areas of their lives and make a game plan to get out of the rut they’re in.

Why Do I Feel Stuck In Life?

The emotions you have about being stuck could make you feel like you need to make a drastic change right away. It could even lead you to make hasty decisions that aren’t well thought out. And when those clearly risky decisions don’t work out, you’re right back to where you started - feeling stuck and confused. 

Before you make a drastic change fueled by overwhelming emotions stemming from HFA, start by simply acknowledging the feelings you are having. Give yourself permission to acknowledge your anxiety and the other feelings that might be driving it. That way, you can identify the source, and make a plan to fix it.

Here are some reasons why you might feel like you’re stuck in a rut:

1. You’re unmotivated

Getting complacent with our lives can make us feel dull and unmotivated. These feelings can stretch throughout different areas of our lives like into relationships, work, goals, etc. If you do the same thing every day, and never make any healthy and progressive changes, it only makes sense that you would feel this way. 

2. You’re unfulfilled

Feeling unfulfilled can be caused by a number of things. Comparison is the thief of joy, and throwing HFA on top of that just makes it worse. Anxiety makes us overthink our lives and hyperfixate on the bad things, not allowing us to see the good. Comparing our lives to other people can make us feel like we did something wrong with ours. Everyone is on a different journey and in a different place in their life. Concentrate on your life, where you are in the moment, and what you can do to make your life the best it can be. 

3. You keep making the same mistakes

Another reason why you might feel like you’re in a rut is because you keep repeating the same mistakes over and over. When we continue to make the same mistakes and not learn from our actions, then we aren’t able to grow and bloom into our potential. Recognizing where we fall short allows us to take the right steps towards fixing it. 

How To Get Out Of A Rut In Life

Once you figure out why you’re feeling stuck in life, then you can figure how to stop feeling stuck in life. 

You may be worried that your HFA can’t be fixed and you’re too far gone into a rut. I’m here to tell you that no matter how stuck you feel, you don’t have to feel like that forever. Things can and will change once you put your mind to it and see the bigger picture. 

1. Make a change

Getting stuck in the same routine, or continuing to make the same mistakes is a clear sign of HFA and will eventually lead to you feeling stuck in life. In an attempt to decrease our anxiety we will double down on our routine and try to maintain control. It may not feel helpful but changing the scenery or doing something new can decrease anxiety and help you feel less stuck! Our lives are not meant to be mundane so try getting out of your comfort zone. There is always an opportunity to grow, try new things, and better ourselves.

2. Forget about being perfect

Being a perfectionist comes with its own benefits, but it can be detrimental for our mental health if we set high standards that are unattainable. It’s okay to not be perfect. It’s okay to make mistakes sometimes. When we aren’t able to meet the perfectionist standards, it’s easy to get down on ourselves which holds us back from taking risks and trying new things.

3. Be patient with yourself

If you feel stuck in life you’ve probably been told things like “get over it” or “you’re just being dramatic”, and I’d bet you’re probably telling yourself those same things right now. Life can be hard enough on its own, and even harder when we aren’t kind and patient with ourselves. You probably feel very alone as a result of all these overwhelming emotions, so remember that it's okay to have bad days. Be as loyal and compassionate with yourself as you are to others.

Work With An Anxiety Coach To Get Out Of Your Rut

Do you find yourself longing to make a change that will help you get out of the rut you’re stuck in? Maybe you struggle with HFA and continue to make the same mistakes that hold you back from being able to achieve your goals. Determining where these feelings are coming from can be hard to figure out on your own, especially because those feelings could be the very thing holding you back from getting help. 

You don’t have to feel stuck forever. I have seen first hand how people that feel stuck in their lives have been able to pull themselves out of a dark rut and find the light at the end of the tunnel. 

As an anxiety coach, I work to help you figure out why you’re feeling stuck, and make a plan tailored to you to get you out of your rut. My coaching services offer a one-on-one approach so we can really dig deep and find a solution. 

I also have a self-guided course that covers the impacts of HFA and how it could be feeding into your feelings of being stuck in life. Check out my course to learn more about how you can stop making the same mistakes and get control over your life again.


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