Stress Is A Given. Suffering Is Optional.
Happy Clients:
“It was such a pleasure hearing you talk. You have an insightful, humorous insight. You are the talk of the office--All I hear is people talking about your characters Monger-BFF-Biggest Fan. You have made an impact. A BIG one.”
— Debra I.
“Oh my goodness! You made me think about stress in an entirely different way! Thank you.”
— Joan S.
“Thank you for helping me realize that I need to start being more kind to myself and not beat myself up for my evil thoughts about workdays and that they are actual, real-life, acceptable emotions! Keep showing up on people’s workdays even if they are secretly bitter about it! Because someone (or maybe lots of someones) will be changed by what you have to say.”
— Jen M.
Let’s face it, there are many stress management speakers out there all saying the same things: eat right, meditate, exercise.
After 20 years of speaking on stress and overwhelm, I realized it isn’t that we don’t know HOW to reduce stress. It’s that we aren’t implementing the strategies we already know so well.
I believe that the main reason we are so stressed is our inner dialogue. It is hard to eat healthy and exercise when our inner critic tells us how much more we have to do and how late we are for the next event.
For more information, see my Press + Media page.
To book a speaking opportunity, please get in touch.
Speaking Topics:
The Happier Approach: How to be Kind to Yourself and Still Accomplish Your Goals:
This is not your typical stress-reduction talk. In this workshop, I get to the heart of WHY we aren’t engaging in stress-reducing activities (it’s not because we don’t know what they are) and what we can do about it. The go-go-go mentality is an epidemic in our culture and this topic will provide a fresh counter-intuitive perspective that works. Based on the book: The Happier Approach: How to be Kind to Yourself and Still Accomplish Your Goals.
Through this workshop participants will be able to:
Recognize their go-to stress stories and behaviors
Learn the 2 voices that keep us stuck in a pattern of stress and anxiety
Have a common language to discuss their stress with co-workers.
Learn how to reduce stress by calling on their Biggest Fan.
Building Resilience: How to Grow and Learn from Feedback/Criticism:
Criticism and feedback can help us grow as leaders. Even knowing that criticism and feedback are helpful, it can be hard to take in because our first response is to shut down or deflect. Growth requires a dedication to the cause, a support team, self-knowledge, and strategies for moving beyond shut down and deflect.
Through this workshop, participants will be able to:
Describe the arena they want to show up in and why it is so important to them.
Identify the support people who they need on their team to help process the feedback.
Name their go-to defense mechanisms.
Regroup and learn from criticism.
About Nancy
Nancy has been speaking for almost 20 years for corporations and non-profits as both a keynote and workshop facilitator. She brings a light-hearted, down-to-earth style with lots of humor and practical strategies to make real change. Her belief is we know how to reduce stress; we just aren't doing it. Her goal is to help individuals bring more kindness into their lives so they can stress less.
Nancy has two Masters' Degrees from the University of Dayton, one in Higher Education and one in Community Counseling. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor with eleven years in private practice and over 20 years working as a counselor/coach. She has written three books with tips, lessons, and stories on Living Happier The Happier Approach: Be Kind to Yourself, Feel Happier and Still Accomplish Your Goals, Living Happier. Juice Squeezed, Lessons Learned in a Quest to Live Happier and This Stuff is Hard, Making Peace with Your Anxiety, including working as a career counselor at Otterbein College and Capital University before getting her Masters in counseling. She is certified in both Myers-Briggs® and Strong Career Assessments® and is a certified Daring Way™ Facilitator based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown.