Decreasing Anxiety in a Quick Fix Society

Life moves fast. All day long, there are millions of pieces of information flying at us on how to be better, more successful, and of course, happier. There is so much talk of instant gratification, fad diets, quick fixes, and fast money. And with all the fast-moving, instant messaging, snap chatting, there is a push back a yearning for quiet, meditation, simple pleasures, and enjoying the little things. These two polarities are ever-present in our lives.

On the one hand, we know to engage with life, we need to disconnect, and on the other hand, we know that society and our Monger are telling us to keep up, get stuff done and be successful. It is enough to make even the calmest person anxious (heaven forbid, you already struggle with anxiety!). So, what are we supposed to do?

What are we supposed to do when we KNOW that

getting quiet and listening is the key. And yet, we are afraid of the answers that might come forth?

Living a life based on our values is life-changing. And yet, living our values might piss off a lot of people. Living our values might cause some significant upheaval in our lives?

Meditation and mindfulness is the #1 way to decrease anxiety. And yet, sitting in that quiet is almost scarier than having a heart attack?

Speaking our needs and setting healthy boundaries are important. And yet, sometimes the pushback is just too exhausting?

Admitting we aren't as perfect as we appear and we don't have it all together is important. And yet, we are scared to death be that vulnerable?

I believe we are supposed to do three things: 

Give yourself a break. Understand that decreasing anxiety and being authentic isn't going to happen overnight. They aren't a quick fix. They are lifelong practices, and there will be days that you don't want to engage in the practice. Reminder yourself THAT IS OK. Tomorrow is another day.

Show up. Shut down the auto-pilot mode and show up for your life. Notice when you are feeling anxious, when you are running into old patterns, and looking for the 'easy out.' Just Notice. Show up and be imperfect.

Ask for help. We can't do this stuff alone. Ask your inner circle to give you what you need to keep you on the path, whether that be a kick in the butt, support, or words of wisdom. Ask for help.


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Happiness Doesn't Equal Perfection