Season 3 Episode 5: Change in the Body

In this episode, Nancy shares about building a relationship with our body.

Change in the Body
Nancy Jane Smith

In this episode Nancy shares the story we've all been waiting for... a little tale about a rogue Segway. But it's actually about a lot more than that. The Segway story brings Nancy to think about how she's viewed her body over the years, and the way that changes around our physical self can be tough. Then she talks to an expert practitioner and teacher of the Feldenkrais Method-- a movement practice that encourages gentle movement and bodily awareness to promote overall wellness.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

- Nancy's personal story about change and her body.

- Information and insights from Feldenkrais practitioner Elizabeth Beringer.

- How to learn more about Self Loyalty School.

Learn more about Elizabeth Beringer:

-Go to

+ Read the Transcript


Season 3 Episode 6: Change and the BFF


Season 3 Episode 4 Change in the Emotion Ocean