Part 1: Twelve Practical Ways to Reduce Anxiety

Anxiety, Stress, Overwhelm, whatever your name for, the constant need to "go go go" is driving you crazy, affecting not only your physical health but your personal life, work-life, and your overall happiness.

Common signs of this issue:

  • You are constantly checking your to-do list.

  • The feeling of unworthiness

  • Checking and double-checking everything

  • Always on the go, always something to do "busy, busy, busy."

  • Trouble relaxing even when you have set aside time to relax.

  • Frequent physical symptoms: racing heart, headaches, stomach aches, or insomnia (to name a few)

Today I am starting my three-part series on easing anxiety. 

1. Build Awareness:

#1 way to ease anxiety, notice it is happening. If you aren't aware that you are feeling anxious, you won't ever change the behavior. For the next week or so, just notice how often you find yourself exhibiting one of the above symptoms. No judgment. No change in behavior, just awareness. If you are comfortable, invite family and friends to chime in too. Ask them to tell you when they notice you acting anxious.

2. Be Curious:

Ask yourself what is going on? What are you FEELING? Often, those of us with anxiety are 'hopping' ourselves up to avoid something else. For example, you might be scared because your husband might be losing his job, so you throw yourself into your to-do list, making sure to get everything done at record speed, rather than deal with the fear you hop yourself up into an anxiety state. Your husband losing his job is anxiety-provoking, and checking everything off your to-do list in record time won't help him keep his job. It will just make you more miserable. Slowing down and recognizing that you are scared and giving yourself some understanding and compassion around that won't help him either, but it will help you feel better in the moment.

3. Do a Full Body Movement

Throughout the day, move your body, stretch, dance, reach for the sky, walk around your house. I encourage clients to make getting into your body a ritual. Anytime you are at a stoplight, stretch. Anytime you hang up the phone at work, walk around the office. Anytime you get in the car, shrug your shoulders. Anytime you recognize you are anxious, do a full-body movement. By developing rituals around getting into your body--you will get out of your head and reduce anxiety overall. 

4. Exercise:

A regular exercise routine allows a natural release of your anxiety. It doesn't have to be super intense: dancing in the living room, walking after dinner, or a yoga practice, whatever inspires you to move. Movement not only releases the anxiety it also grounds you in your body. Anxiety forces you into your head, and by moving your body, you get out of your head, therefore, decreasing the lasting effects of anxiety.

Make sure to read parts 1 and 2. 


Part 2: Twelve Practical Ways to Reduce Anxiety


Meditations for those Who Hate to Meditate