
YAY! You made it! Congratulations today, you are graduating from Self Loyalty School. This is a huge investment in yourself which can be challenging to make when the Monger is chatting. So pat yourself on the back, give yourself a high five, or place your hands over your heart in celebration. 

But notice I said Self Loyalty School IS a huge investment, not "was," because it doesn't end here. Now that you are through listening to the daily lessons, it's time to implement everything that you learned.

Change happens in small steps, and when you gave yourself a week to implement in between themes, it was one of the most self-loyal things you can do. And now it's time for you to implement by practicing self-loyalty in your day-to-day life. 

As a reminder:

  • It is an act of self-loyalty to practice A.S.K. when you catch yourself heading down a rabbit hole. 

  • It is an act of self-loyalty to notice you are in a rabbit hole of anxiety and not take any action but be curious. 

  • It is an act of self-loyalty to be kind to whatever is coming up for you, even if you feel it is inappropriate. 

  • It is an act of self-loyalty to embrace the do-over. You will make a mistake. Embracing the chance to do it again is key.

    There is no right way to spend your time after completing Self Loyalty School. 

You will continue to spiral. You will spiral up. Even though some days you will feel like you are repeating a lesson for the 10th time. But remember, you don't unlearn all you have implemented before. You repeat the lesson one spiral up with new perspectives, new challenges, and new information you didn't have the last time the lesson came into your life. 

As you spiral up, you also spiral down (I mean this in a positive way!), spiraling down means you will build a deeper and deeper loyalty to yourself, which will stop your anxiety from running the show. 

Before I go, I want to remind you of a few things: 

You have lifetime access to the portal and the private podcast feed that holds all these lessons. 

I strongly recommend that when you feel stuck, or your Monger has been running the show for too long, you revisit themes or lessons. 

To make that easier, I created a PDF that lists all the episodes so you can see them in one place. The link is above.

And know that I am still here as well. 

You also have lifetime access to the Ask Nancy Jane Podcast and any new episodes. You can continue to ask questions–either through the portal or via the email 

Lastly, I want to say Thank you. I KNOW you have probably tried many things to ease your anxiety, so I appreciate you trusting me to have your back. Now it's time to trust that you have your own. You really do."

Ok, take care. 

Happy Graduation.