Self Loyalty School
Is on a break.
Self Loyalty School is currently on a break.
If you wish to be among the first to receive updates if and when it is reactivated, please send me an email:
Nancy (at) nancyjanesmith.com.
-Nancy Jane
In the meantime, check out:
The Happier Approach Podcast:
Stories and Interviews Exploring
Self Doubt
The Happier Approach +
This Stuff is Hard + Juice Squeezed
Anxiety doesn’t have to run your life.
It might feel like a badge of honor to go above and beyond for other people, tick off every box on your endless to-do list, and get rewarded for pushing so hard.
But if you look deeper, it’s freaking exhausting.
I am Nancy Jane Smith, your Self Loyalty School teacher.
For so long, when I tried to look deeper, not only was I exhausted, but I thought I was broken. It led me to spend way too much money to hire someone to “fix” me, and instead, all it did was make me feel ashamed and belittled. Press the play button below to listen to the whole story.
There are so many self-help books, podcast hosts and coaches, and long-winded video courses convincing you to listen, buy and look outside of yourself for help. They can fix you if you follow their rules.
The answer isn't out there; it is in you.
High Functioning Anxiety is more than just Anxiety.
There are 3 layers:
Because of those three layers, dealing with high functioning anxiety takes more than just taking a few deep breaths or meditating 5 minutes a day (although those things help!)
It requires small changes with time to integrate.
That’s what Self Loyalty School is all about!
It’s a 10-month audio-based program where I will have your back, while you are working on the small incremental changes that will help you have your own.
Self Loyalty School is currently on a break.
If you wish to be among the first to receive updates if and when it is reactivated, please send me an email:
Nancy (at) nancyjanesmith.com.
-Nancy Jane
If you are like me, you have a strong inner critic. I call mine the Monger. The Monger makes change feel impossible.
My Monger tells me that change isn’t easy, and I will fail. While simultaneously telling me how broken I am and how much I need to change.
I spent most of my life thinking there was something wrong with me that I just couldn’t change simply by reading a few chapters in a book. Because real change is slow and intentional, it involves getting uncomfortable, making mistakes, and then giving myself the grace to do it wrong and do it over.
It isn’t as easy as ‘set a boundary’ or ‘stop feeling anxious’ or ‘slow down’! Even though I REALLY want it to be.
Nope, change is a series of trial and error.
And that is what Self Loyalty School is all about. A course designed to make that messy, uncomfortable process as supportive and structured as possible.
Learn more about my approach to support and structure:
Self Loyalty School is currently on a break.
If you wish to be among the first to receive updates if and when it is reactivated, please send me an email:
Nancy (at) nancyjanesmith.com.
-Nancy Jane
Self Loyalty School is bite-sized, easy lessons so that you can listen and integrate immediately.
By simply hitting play, Self Loyalty School provides you with a daily commitment to self-loyalty. Each week you will receive between 3-5 audio lessons (no longer than 10 minutes each) delivered via a private podcast feed. Plus you have lifetime access to all the recordings. So you can listen to them again and again.
Self Loyalty School has built-in time to catch up.
Life happens. And if the bite-sized, easy lessons start to pile up like the endless loads of laundry in your hamper, that’s ok. To eliminate the anxiety of falling behind, Self Loyalty School is designed with 2 weeks of lessons followed by an implementation week. This is your chance to catch up, regroup and alleviate the pressure of staying on top of it all.
Self Loyalty School focuses on 4 topics repeated 3 times.
Real change happens in spirals. In life, we keep repeating lessons. It might feel like we are relearning the same lesson, but really, we are experiencing it at a new level with new insight. When we have a spiral mastered, we will spiral up to another place. In Self Loyalty School, we will be using this idea of spirals to cycle through 4 topics 3 times.
We will be covering 4 topics key to quieting High Functioning Anxiety: Beliefs, Body, Feelings and Self-Loyalty. We will cycle through each topic 3 times, going deeper and deeper each time building on what we have learned.
This isn’t about offering another hack for your anxiety. This is about changing it at the root—this is all about Self Loyalty.
For years I tried to heal my anxiety through a variety of ways:
Pushing Harder
Ignoring it and hoping it would go away.
Changing my thoughts
Thinking positive and being grateful
Some of these methods helped, but if they did, it was temporary, they felt like band-aids to the gaping wound that was my anxiety.
Then I realized that I was super loyal to others. I would go to the ends of the earth for other people—but myself? When life got hard or unpleasant emotions came up, I was quick to belittle, shame, push, beat up, and ridicule myself. Loyalty to myself was non-existent. I saw this in my private clients too. So I went on a quest to build self-loyalty.
I realized self-loyalty was the key. When I finally stopped ridiculing and shaming myself, I could practice the activities that helped quiet my anxiety. Self Loyalty School is everything I know about quieting High Functioning Anxiety, from the past 20 years of working with clients and from my personal experience.
This 10-month audio-based program will help you quiet your High Functioning Anxiety, stop your mean inner critic from running the show, and build an internal sense of groundedness that you can come back to again and again.
Here’s what’s included in Self Loyalty School:
Self Loyalty School is currently on a break.
If you wish to be among the first to receive updates if and when it is reactivated, please send me an email:
Nancy (at) nancyjanesmith.com.
-Nancy Jane
In the meantime, check out:
The Happier Approach Podcast:
Stories and Interviews Exploring
Self Doubt
The Happier Approach +
This Stuff is Hard + Juice Squeezed
Here’s how it works.
Once you enroll, you will receive a welcome email and all the necessary information to get started, including a unique link to the Self Loyalty School private podcast feed.
Once you download the Self Loyalty Podcast Feed, you will receive your first audio lessons.
You will receive one lesson a day for 5 days (which will be a max of 10 minutes, most fall between 5-8 minutes)and then 2 days off. During implementation/catch-up weeks, you will receive 1-2 brief lessons checking in and offering suggestions for implementing that week’s lesson.
What’s the cost?
Self Loyalty School is currently on a break.
If you wish to be among the first to receive updates if and when it is reactivated, please send me an email:
Nancy (at) nancyjanesmith.com.
-Nancy Jane
What do I get when I register?
You will receive a welcome email from me that will give you access to the Self Loyalty School Student Portal and instructions on adding the Self Loyalty School Podcast to your podcast feed.
What’s the Price?
How will I access the Self Loyalty School Podcast Feed?
Once you’ve made your first payment, you will receive a welcome email from me that will give you all the details on how to add the Self Loyalty School Podcast to your podcast feed.
Lessons are delivered once a day for five days, followed by a 2-day break. I did this intentionally to give you a chance to take in the information slowly. By choosing when you download the Self Loyalty Podcast Player, you can start at a time that maximizes your time best.
The day after you download the podcast, you will receive 1 lesson a day for 5 days. So you can design your week by choosing which day to download the podcast. Want your lessons to start each Monday? Download on Sunday. Want your lessons to start each Friday? Download on Thursday.
I am confused about what we will be covering and the timeline?
Download a Summary Syllabus, and if you have additional questions, email me at questions@selfloyaltyschool.com
What’s the time commitment?
I have intentionally designed these as small, bite-sized lessons to be listened to on a walk or as you drive to work. Each week there is a class, and the maximum listening time is 50 minutes.
What if I fall behind?
I designed the course, so if you want structure, you will have it, and if you don’t want structure, you can listen whenever you have time. The critical component is the bite-sized lessons that we revisit on a deeper and deeper level, with time to integrate.
I have tried so many things. How will this be different/better?
Everything you tried will work even better. There isn’t one approach to quieting anxiety. There are many approaches: mindfulness, breathing, mindset, exercise, self-talk, therapy, etc. Trust me, I have tried them all. But finding self-loyalty has helped me lean in and implement ALL those things. Through building a relationship with myself and being loyal, I have taken the time to find and implement the strategies that work best for me in quieting my anxiety, and I want to share them with you.
How long do I have access to the materials?
You will have lifetime access to both the School of Self Loyalty podcast and Student Portal.
Will this be the same information as the Happier Approach book?
No, this is new information. If you have read the book, this will build on those concepts, and if you haven’t read the book, you will learn the core concepts in Self Loyalty School.
Can I get a refund?
Yes, within the first 30 days of purchase, if you decide it isn’t working for you, email me at questions@selfloyaltyschool.com, and I will send a refund and cancel the rest of the lessons.
Is this Coaching or Therapy?
This program is NOT therapy or counseling. I am your guide, teaching you how to build self-loyalty with yourself in order to ease your high functioning anxiety. It can be used in conjunction with a licensed professional therapist or counselor. But I will not be offering therapy in this program.